10 Traveling Mistakes to avoid in 2022

Whether it’s your first overseas business trip or you’re a nomad, we know that you’re bound to make at least a handful of these 10 Traveling Mistakes. So, for all your trips and tours this year, let’s get rid of these traveling habits. Follow these tips to avoid all the traveling mistakes on your next trip. Share this list with your travel buddies too!

1. A loaded luggage 

A loaded luggage 
Source: istock
Of course if you’re on a vacation you’d want multiple apparels depending upon your itinerary. But overpacking will weigh you down, quite literally. Regardless of the medium of transport, carrying a weighty luggage could be daunting! If you have a well defined itinerary, you’ve already won! The trick to avoid overpacking starts with having a proper itinerary that you know you’d stick to. Plan outfits according to it. Segregate outfits instead of only packing clothes apposite to your itinerary. Choosing the correct suitcase is the key to having a relaxing commute. But you don’t want to take a suitcase on a trek! So invest in a suitable bag. Using plastic pouches to store toiletries will help you avoid accidental spillages.
If you’re not on a work- cation we would highly suggest not carrying any techy valuables. Places like campsites or hostels don’t provide you the ideal security to contain valuables. Even if theft isn’t a threat, you may not be in the most diligent state to look after all your belongings. So it’s best to leave any irreplaceable items at home. 

2. An Overambitious Itinerary 

An Overambitious Itinerary 
Source: iStock
So much to do, see and experience! But creating an overambitious itinerary isn’t the wisest thing to do. Create your itinerary based on the number of days you have in hand. Rather than going to typical tourist destinations, choose spots that you find worth visiting. Things don’t always pan out the way you have desires no matter how hard you try to stick to the schedule. Allow yourself to take breaks and settle at certain places. After all, you’re on a vacation! 

3  A dining disaster! 

A dining disaster! 
Source: iStock
Restaurant businesses near distinguished tourist spots have widely been known for hiking prices. It’s no secret. Whether it’s the fritters at Lonavala or Lecointre Paris, you’ll find everything at exorbitant rates. “So where to dine?’, you wonder. Let the locals guide you! No matter where you are, the locals will direct you to the best eateries for authentic specialities. Do a bit of pre-holiday research into your destination especially if you’re a foodie! You’re likely to find a better variety of more affordable spots if you head to where the locals eat.

4. Traveling tardily 

Traveling tardily 
Source: iStock
We criticize Indian parents for heading to airports before hours. But underestimating the time required for security is the biggest traveling mistake you could make. Missing your flight is a travel’s worst nightmare. Incorrect estimation of security checks will wreck your vacation, we don’t have to tell you that. Make sure you have ample time before departure. Grab a snack at the airport. Being up early on the day of departure will even allow you time to go through your stuff and recheck your belongings

5. Booking flights too close together

Booking flights too close together
Source: iStock
Booking your flights as close together as possible is tempting. After all, you don’t want to eat up too much time in getting to your destination. But this strategy can backfire. Any delay in your flights could throw off the rest of your trip. 

6. Not having the correct visa

Not having the correct visa
Source: iStock
One mistake with your visa, and your well-planned holiday could be over before it even began! If your destination requires a visa, double check every piece of information on the visa. Go through the spelling of your name and your planned entry date, and address any issues right away. 

7. Leaving banks uninformed

Leaving banks uninformed
Source: iStock
Most banks have automated fraud-protection systems in place. If you use your card in Bangkok when the bank expects you to be in New Zealand, your card could be flagged. It could even be put on hold. Fortunately, it’s very easy to avoid this frustrating situation. Notify your bank and your credit card company about the whereabouts of your trip. Rates and fees are generally higher at the airport, so learn about your other options. This includes exchanging it at your bank, a foreign exchange shop, or withdrawing cash at your destination

8. Not considering time zones  

Not considering time zones  
Source: iStock
We’ve heard stories about unlucky travelers missing their flights overseas. It is because they didn’t consider the time zone change. One must avoid such problems. This can be done by considering time zones when you’re planning your flights. 

9. Skipping Pleasantries  

Skipping Pleasantries
Source: iStock
It’s correctly stated, “Please and thank you go a long way!” No matter where you go, learning local phrases and collocative terms will reduce semantic barriers. It will make you appear friendly. It pleases the locals when you attempt to take part in culture. They are more likely to help you through your stay. This will ensure a gentle trip! 

10. Stuck behind screens

Stuck behind screens
Source: iStock
While it’s tempting to want to boast about your luxurious trip and spam your social media followers, we suggest taking a break. You have been in front of screens at offices, colleges or even binge watching at home. Let this vacation allow you to look away from the screens at your leisure. So our last advice to you, make sure to admire the scenic beauty at every place before you desperately try to capture it. Eventually, you’ll be back to the routine life so enjoy while you’re at it !
So, how many travel mistakes did you relate to? We hope not all. Don’t forget to save this to avoid these common traveling mistakes for a hassle free trip. For more such traveling hacks and booking getaways, follow Ukiyo Stays and subscribe to our newsletter for latest updates!